I began reading this article thinking that I knew everything about this subject and what the author was speaking about. I found out that many points provided to me through this reading resonated with me though and I was able to gain some new insight into visual mediums and the modern use of images and media. Avgerinou writes, "The visual culture defines and delimits our post-modern present in that what we call postmodernism is best imagined and understood visually, just as the nineteenth century was classically represented in the newspaper and the novel”. Even further though, the author says that this can be a counterproductive subject as well, because the public is bombarded by visual media so frequently that we may not even realize the effects and consequences of being surrounded by this material. Multiple metaphors and motifs are used such as 'Does a swimming fish know that it is wet?', the fish being society being surrounded by visual media. This is such an interesting viewpoint on the matter, as I believe I am part of the population that may not realize the consequences of this barrage of visual media. Avgerinou explains that the world today is about connecting the dots, discovering relationships between media and outputs that one is confronted with, and organizing the content into effective tools. Overall, I both enjoyed and recommend this article if one would want to take a step back and recognize how visual media may affect a society.
DA 2 Reading #1: Re-Viewing Visual Literacy in the “Bain d’ Images” Era
Updated: May 5, 2024