This project was really fun for me, and somewhat of a smaller learning curve than other projects and programs that we had to learn during the semester, as I had been aware of Blender for a number of years and have practiced with some parts of the program before.
I knew that I wanted my overall finished project to be something that fits with my artistic practice and the themes that I use throughout my personal work, so I started leaning towards themes of space exploration and comedic scenarios. The finished project is an amalgamation of these themes, as I had the TikTok filter look as if aliens are sitting on your head, while you wear a jester hat. The hardest part of this project had to be using TikTok and Effect House, as this is not an app I use at all, and I had no idea how to even start creating filters and effects for the app. However, I really enjoy how this filter came out, and I'm glad that I know how to use Effect House, and the process of projecting 3D objects onto models in a platform such as that.